Does Your Hair Grow Faster In The Spring?

Spring is the season for all things to grow. Even birds have added new feathers. So will our hair also grow faster in spring? Read this article and we discuss the hair growth in Spring.

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Can Hair Grow Faster In Spring?

Although there is no scientific basis to support the faster growth of hair in spring, our hair follicles will also recover as the weather warms and the temperature rises in spring, in accordance with the natural laws of growth of all things.

Why say "recovery"? Due to the cold weather in winter, the speed of metabolism slows down and blood circulation weakens, leading to the "hibernation period" of hair follicles, resulting in slow growth of hair. In spring, people's metabolism accelerates, blood circulation increases, hair follicles recover, and the state of hair growth becomes very active. Therefore, it makes people feel that their hair grows faster.

Although hair follicles recover in the spring, this is not suitable for people with hair loss or even baldness. After all, people with hair loss have poor hair follicles, and people who have been bald for many years have their hair follicles closed. "Recovery" is impossible. Want to own hair can only rely on external objects, such as wigs.

Can I wear a wig in spring?

Whether it is appropriate to wear a wig in spring depends on your personal situation and the purpose of wearing the wig. For people who need to wear a wig, such as those who have hair loss due to illness or side effects of treatment, or who need to wear a wig for beauty or other personal needs, wigs can also be worn in the spring. However, the following points need to be noted:

  • Wig Material: In spring, when the temperature is high, it is easy to sweat. When wearing a wig, you should choose a material that is ventilated and breathable, such as artificial fiber or linen.

  • Wig color: In spring, bright and fresh colors are the main color. When wearing a wig, you should try to choose a color that matches the season to avoid too dark or heavy colors.

  • Scalp cleaning: When wearing a wig, it is necessary to keep the scalp clean and regularly clean the wig and scalp.

  • Sunscreen: In spring, the sun is strong, and people wearing wigs also need to protect their scalp and wigs from UV damage.

Although hair grows faster in spring, it can easily cause hair loss. Because the weather is dry in spring, the moisture in hair evaporates faster. For people with dry hair, hair is more prone to water deficiency, and therefore more prone to hair loss. In addition, the accelerated metabolism of hair follicles not only makes hair grow faster, but also causes hair loss faster. If you encounter a hair loss period, the hair loss situation may be more serious. Of course, this kind of hair loss is a normal phenomenon. As long as you replenish water and maintain your hair properly, you won't experience massive hair loss. But if you already have hair loss, your hair loss may worsen in the spring. Especially seborrheic alopecia. When the temperature rises in spring, people's body temperature will gradually increase, and hormone levels in the body may also change. Such as increased sebaceous glands, which can stimulate our hair follicles and scalp. Not only can it cause seborrheic alopecia, but also it can be accompanied by itching of the scalp and increased dandruff.

Conclusion for Does Your Hair Grow Faster In The Spring

The impact of spring on hair growth is mainly related to temperature and climate. In spring, the temperature increases and the air humidity increases, which has a certain promoting effect on the growth of scalp and hair. In addition, the increase in spring sunshine time also helps to promote the normal operation of the body's biological clock, thereby having a positive effect on hair growth.

However, hair growth is influenced by many factors, such as genetics, diet, lifestyle, and so on. Even in spring, if you do not pay attention to these aspects, hair growth may be hindered. Therefore, if you want to make your hair grow faster, you need to start from various aspects, including maintaining healthy eating habits, developing good living habits, appropriate scalp massage, regular pruning, and so on.

How To Maintain Hair In Spring?

  • Scalp cleaning: In spring, the climate is humid, and hair is more prone to becoming greasy, so it is necessary to wash hair regularly. Pay attention to using gentle shampoo and not overwashing to avoid removing the natural oils from the scalp.

  • Keep your hair moist: The spring climate is relatively humid, and you need to replenish moisture for your hair. You can use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, or choose to moisturize your hair using hair masks or regular hair SPAs.

  • Dietary conditioning: Spring is a rich season for fruits and vegetables. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc that are beneficial to your hair, such as citrus fruits, carrots, celery, asparagus, and nuts.

  • Reduce the use of thermal tools: In spring, the climate is relatively humid, and hair is prone to moisture. Using thermal tools such as hair dryers and electric wands can worsen the dry and fragile condition of hair. Minimize the use of these hot tools or apply a conditioner before using them.

  • Avoid hair damage: In spring, the climate is variable, and wind and sun exposure can cause hair damage. Wearing a hat or scarf when going out can effectively protect your hair.

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