How To Use Ginger Oil For Hair Growth & How Ginger Works For Your Hair Follicles

Today we are talking about ginger and how amazing it is for our hair and how it helps to activate hair growth. Ginger is trending right now and for good reason because there are so many benefits to it, but in this guide, we want to talk about how to incorporate it into your hair care regimen to start seeing some amazing growth by activating your hair growth pathways within your scalp. Read on this article and learn everything about ginger for hair growth. 

ginger oil for hair growth

What Is Ginger?

Ginger is a rhizome, and a rhizome is a root or a stem that grows in the ground horizontally and it actually shoots out leaves and plants. Now the ginger that we see in the store is the actual rhizome that root, and ginger has been used for hundreds of years to treat nausea, flu and cold like symptoms and you can use it as a spice in your food. Now we are focusing on the performance of an ingredient like what makes it, what it is that functional ingredient, the meat and potatoes. So when it comes to ginger, the meat and potatoes or the kale, and the spinach, but those were vegetarians is a phytochemical called gingerol and gingerol is an organic compound produced naturally in ginger, and phytochemicals have the ability to activate and deactivate different mechanisms and pathways within our body to produce different results, such as hair growth. When it comes to gingerol, there has been studies that have shown that ginger helps to improve circulation, blood is hair growth, hair growth is blood and a lot of times when our blood vessels are constricted due to stress and also a number of other conditions, this can constrict blood flow getting to the hair follicle to produce hair growth. But ginger being known for opening up the blood vessels to increase the blood flow to the scalp helps to increase hair growth. On top of that, ginger is known for being very anti-inflammatory which is key here because a lot of scalp conditions and hair loss such as alopecia is tied to inflammation. And when there's inflammation around the bulb of the follicle, you are going to get disruption of hair growth leading to thinning of the hair and also shrinkage of the follicle itself, which leads to hair loss. But when you have ginger, that functional chemical ingredient within ginger is going to act as an anti-inflammatory & removing that inflammation to help regulate your hair growth cycle. 

Anyway, Ginger helps in two ways for the scalp and for hair growth, improving blood circulation and being anti-inflammatory.

How To Use Ginger - 3 Easy Ways To Use Ginger For Hair Growth

How to incorporate ginger effectively into your hair care regimen to activate hair growth and eliminate hair loss?

1. You can do a ginger tea rinse, so what you're going to do is get some dry ginger or get some regular ginger tea and make some tea, let it cool down. After you shampoo your hair on your wash day, apply this rinse to your scalp mainly to the scalp and massage it in let that sit for at least 5 or 10 minutes and then proceed to conditioning your hair and then you can rinse it out. This is going to help tremendously because it's going to be topical direct application to the follicle, so take advantage of that. 

2. You can make ginger oil, all you need is a carrier oil and some dried ginger root. Get the root, get the herb over the powder because the powder can be messy and you don't want a gritty oil. So get some dry ginger root about two tablespoons to maybe two cups of jojoba oil, let that infuse, you can do that on low heat or let that sit for a few weeks strain off the root and you're going to have this beautiful ginger oil. You can use this topically on your scalp.

3. Or you can go ahead and just buy the oil yourself. Buy the ginger essential oil and you can add that to your own concoction of oil for your scalp and you'll be good to go.

So that is really the three main ways to incorporate it into your regimen, a hair rinse, make the oil or buy the oil. 

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