Signs of Unhealthy Hair - How to Test If Your Hair is Healthy?

The hair problem is not only an appearance of people but also a signal of physical health. Through hair problems, we can see some problems hidden in our body and help us better understand our physical condition. Therefore, hair problems can not be underestimated. What are the signs of unhealthy hair? How to tell whether the hair is healthy? Here you can find five ways to tell the health of your natural hair. 

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Signs of Unhealthy Hair - What Unhealthy Hair Looks Like?

What kind of hair is not healthy? Notice if the following signs appear. Healthy human hair like virgin hair is often used to make loose wave wigs for sale.  

1.  Greasy easily

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is generally the manifestation of liver fire, and there is a problem in the regulation of human visceral Qi and blood. There are many reasons for liver fire, such as a too greasy diet, irregular sleep, or staying up late. From the perspective of modern medicine, vigorous hair oil has a great relationship with the massive secretion of androgen. On the one hand, androgen problems are related to genetic factors, on the other hand, they are also caused by bad living habits. 

2.  Noticeable thin hair

It may be kidney deficiency or high mental pressure. Normal people's hair will be supplemented with new hair even after hair loss, and the total number will not change much. If you already feel that your hair is a little thin or suddenly lose more hair, it is likely that your body has some sub-health symptoms, such as kidney deficiency, fatigue, and high mental pressure, resulting in sudden damage to hair follicle function, and the number of hair loss exceeds the number of growth.

3.  Overly soft or dry hair

Lack of moisture. Healthy hair stretches apart from each other, but if you don't eat properly, each hair follicle can't maintain water better in its molecular structure. At this time, you can eat more healthy lipids, such as blue and whitefish and trout. Their fatty acids help to moisturize your hair.

4.  Hair lacks luster

Lack of vitamin B, hair loss of luster, usually due to the lack of vitamin B, a key substance that makes oil play an effective role. Try to supplement some vitamin B and eat more animal liver, beans, and brown rice.

How to Test If Your Hair is Healthy?

1.  Compare hair root and hair tip

Cut a long hair close to the hair root, arrange the hair root and tip together, and compare the diameter, color, and luster. If the diameter of the hair tip is smaller than the hair root, it indicates that the hair quality will deteriorate, from healthy to unhealthy, dry, weak, and inelastic. If the hair tip has an unhealthy color (light black, light brown), it indicates that the melanin of the hair is losing, which is caused by the peeling of the hair epidermis. This type of hair is easy to bifurcate or become dry, irritable, and difficult to take care of.

2.  Halo test

Stand under a strong and uniform light and let the light shoot out from behind your head in front of a mirror, so that you can't see the reflection of light in the mirror. If you see a halo on your hair, it means your hair is unhealthy.

3.  Flour test

Pour about 30 grams of flour into a plate and pull the hair used in the above test on the flour. If the skin of your hair has peeled off (such as damaged or unhealthy hair), this hair will carry a lot of flour. If the hair is relatively clean after pulling out, it indicates that your hair is healthy.

4.  Finger test

Hold the hair root with your thumb and index finger, and slide the thumb and index finger of the other hand along the hair root to the hair tip. Then do it again in reverse. Slide your thumb and index finger from the tip of your hair to the root of your hair. You repeat this action 3 to 4 times. Each time you slide along your hair, concentrate on feeling the smoothness of your hair. If you have healthy hair, there should be little difference between sliding down and sliding back. The more uneven the hair epidermis, the greater the difference between the smoothness of sliding and anti-sliding.

5.  Water test

Put the curly hair into the water, and the healthy hair will soon change back to its original shape. It changes fast and is vibrant, so you can tell the elasticity of your hair. Unhealthy hair still has the ability to change back to its original shape, but its change is relatively less active.

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