3 Common Bedtime Mistakes That Cause Human Hair Damage

In this guide, we are sharing with you three bedtime mistakes that make your hair dry and angled. Avoid doing these 3 things to sleep even better knowing your waking up to soft manageable moisturized hair!

hair care mistakes to avoid before going to bed at night.png

3 Common Human Hair Bedtime Mistakes

1. Communication

The first bedtime mistake that cause hair damage is going to be lack of communication with your hair at night. During the day when you're at work and you're busy, you're running around your hair is there, it's going through different environments, different temperatures and a lot of time that moisturizer that you find your hair maybe a night before or two nights before is slowly and dwindling evaporating, because that's what moisture water does, it evaporates. But in this case of your nighttime routine, the lack of communication can be a huge mistake when it comes to going to bed at night. So the recommendation to do some type of moisture check before you go to bed, and a moisture check is just you literally checking your hair to see how it feels, does it feel dry, does it feel kind of crunchy, that is a way of your hair communicating to you letting you know what it is, there's nothing like waking up to soft moisturized hair. So be sure to moisturize your hair especially in the night time before you go to bed if your hair is dry.

2. Setting 

The second human hair bedtime mistake is not setting your hair before you go to bed. Putting it in some type of braid, twist, pineapple, some type of form before you go to bed. Curly hair is very fragile and it's because of how our hair comes out of the scalp. The more kinkier, the more coilier your hair is, the more prone you are to breakage and tangles, and all the things that sometimes we experience especially if you are in the type 4a, b and c range to help minimize breakage and tangles that we experience sometimes. So setting your hair in some form before you go to bed.

3. Covering 

Wearing a silk or satin scarf or bonnet while you are sleeping is going to be a game changer for your hair. 

- It is protecting your hair from your pillow, your sheets, they are like leeches, they will suck the moisture from your hair, the oils from your hair. Sso having that barrier of the silk and the satin is going to help your hair retain moisture while you're sleeping. 

- It's going to help minimize the breakage because of our natural hair texture, so it's going to help with minimizing tangles as well as the breakage too. So there's so many great benefits to just making a small trick of wearing a bonnet or star silver satin before you go to bed.

- It's going to help to maintain the look of the style that you are currently wearing whether that's braids, twist out, braid out, buns, it's going to help tremendously with prolonging that style when you go to bed with a silk or satin bonnet or something.

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