5 Things To Avoid When Moisturizing Your Natural Hair

Today we share a few things to avoid when you are moisturizing your hair. Moisturizing our hair is essential and we want to make sure that we are doing everything to the best of our ability to ensure that we are not only obtaining but retaining the moisture within our hair. There are some things that we could be doing, that is preventing us from getting the moisture that we so desire within our hair. Now let’s get into the things that you need to be avoiding when moisturizing your hair.

5 Things To Avoid When Moisturizing Natural Hair

5 Things To Avoid When Moisturizing Natural Hair

1. Avoid Moisturizing With Oil

You can’t moisturize your hair with oil. There is no such thing as a moisturizing oil because in order for something to have moisture, you already know, it has to have water. Try watering your plants with oil and see what happens. So oils are designed to seal the hair, the oil you choose as your sealant will determine how effective the moisturizer will be.

2. Avoid Over-Moisturizing 

The second thing you want to avoid is you want to be mindful when it comes to moisturizing your hair, when your hair feels very mushy and very lipped, because that is a clear sign that you have moisture overload. That is the perfect time to stop what you are doing and you should do a protein treatment. 

3. Avoid Falling Into the Lie

Do not fall into the lie that if your hair is dry after one day or the second day of moisturizing your hair that the moisturizer is a bad moisturizer. That’s not true. All of us have cycles our body has different cycles and our hair has cycles as well and this is a time where your hair needs to be moisturized periodically. Some people’s moisture cycle is every two days and some people’s moisture cycle is every four days, so it just depends. So if you're using something and it's a great moisturizer but you find that by day two it's like your hair is dry, it doesn't mean the product's bad, you probably just need to moisturize your hair on that second day. The product does matter and some telltale signs of a good moisturizer is after you use it like initially use that moisturizer, you should feel a difference, you should be having some experience, meaning your hair feels much more manageable, you can detangle it, it's much more softer, you have some shine to it. That's a good sign that the moisturizer that you're currently using is a good moisturizer. So when you tie in your moisture cycle with a good moisturizer, you can't go wrong. 

4. Sealing Your Sealant Matters

Sealing is where the oil comes into play, the butter, the silicone the grease comes into play to lock in that moisture. Your sealant oil of choice matters, it matters based off of your porosity, it matters and it's off of your thickness or the thinness of your hair. Some people especially high porosity thick hair, people who used to use like grapeseed to lock in moisture, they switched over to grease and now their hair is retaining more moisture for multiple days, so your sealant matters. So if you have low porosity hair, thick or thin hair, these are the oils for you to look into and try out when you are moisturizing your hair: 

- Thin/fine hair: Jojoba, Light Silicone, Sweet Almond, Avocado, Light Hair Grease, Safflower Oil, Hemp

- Thick hair: Avocado, Sunflower, Castor, Olive, Hair Grease, Silicone, Hemp

5. Avoid Not Sectioning/Combing

The last thing you want to avoid is not sectioning your hair, you want to avoid not combing through your hair you are going to have such a better moisturizing experience. 

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